Tuesday, December 18, 2007

OMG Ive been MIA for like forever..... Things been sooo busy and hectic with weddings and and cmas and stuff.....

Poor little man had an asthma attack and was in hospital on oxygen for 4 days... Here is s pic of him in hospital...Poor little mite was on ventolin 3 hourly as well as the oxygen and on prendisone.. Poor little boy.. Jay pissed me off and was being such an arse and wouldnt coem and do a few hours for me but went to cricket instead. I was sooo pissed off..... Really felt let down by some freinds as well...They knew where we were and only one came near us... Im the first one to be there for everyone else ( sorry for the vent)....

Wile Thomas was in hospital Hollie had to go to emergency with asthma as well.. Its this god damn stupid weather.. So bad for asthmatics..

When we got home from hospital we all ended up with gastro. I think Thomas got it the worst. He got 2 lots of it. Has only just started eating again today after 5 days without anything but a bit of boobie.. Poor little man looks sooo drawn and sick... Here is a piccie I took of him yesterday.

He also turned 10 months old.. How the time has flown.. I miss my little baby... I cant beleive how fast it has gone.. he weighs ( well he did before he got sick) 8.4 kilos. Id say he is down to 8 kilos now.. and is 70cm long... Still not saying anything but dad and is cruising the furniture still and occasionally standing up free hand in the middle of the room....

Here is his 10 month old pics... I cant pic one so sorry you have to have a few.... LOL..

Ive also been struggling to deal with the recent unplanned pregnancies of two freinds. Makes me feel like such a bitch that I just cant be happy for them but the jelousy just takes over my mind. It will be baby #4 for both of them. I want another baby soo bad but can i put my family back through all that again....

Promise to be back again soon with xmas piccies.....


debbiedo said...

Oh you guys are having a rough trot at the moment. Hope you are all healthy for christmas, best wishes to you all.


Anonymous said...

Hey sweet, hope all has calmed down now for you and you were able to enjoy Christmas