Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thought it was time I got in here and announced the arrival of

Thomas Jackson Born 5 weeks early on valentines day 2007 4 pound 14 and 42cm.....

I am currently writing up my hand written blog LOL from the time we were in hospital so hoping to link it to here when Im finished.. Here is some pictures of my little man During our hospital stay. I didnt take any of these as I didnt get to see him in the crib....

In the Humidicrib


Anonymous said...

Hi Kaysie,
Please accept my sincerest congratulations to you and your family on the arrival of Thomas Jackson! Welcome Little One!!!

debbiedo said...

Love that little bum in the bath shot, how cute!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope everything is going well at home.


Anonymous said...

Yay, you've updated your blog! It's not like you haven't got the time or anything ;P

Thomas looks gorgeous in those photos Kays! Congrats again!