Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just got back from helping at Hollies preschool... Kids are funny.. LOL.. I had to bloody walk down there and back cause we have no money for fuel... GRRR I hate being broke..

I have some exciting news.. My little princess now has her ears pierced. She was so brave.. She asked us could she have it done and was asking for weeks so we said righto but do you know that it is gonna hurt. She said YEP but ME WANT IT DONE ANYWAY. She was such a big girl sitting up there and didnt cry till after it was done. I think it was more the shock and her face got grazed with the gun as well. She looks so beautiful and grown up. :(.. She picked the little pink studs herself. Just bootiful......

Jamies dad is coming home today after 6 weeks down having radiation. Its been a long time for him being down there on his own. I know he will be so relieved to be home again...

OMG i forgot my other HUGESTESTSTSTSTS news ever...... I won a prize worth $601.. YIPEEE I never win anything.. It was in the Nappy hunt where you go around like an idiot looking for icons on the nappy sites. Its crazy and I spent lots of nights awake looking. SOme are REALLY hard. I have won a few gorgeous nappies, and leg warmers and huguglugs and jewellery and a game thing and some cream.. WHOOOPPPPPEEEEE so excited....

Had a bit of a meltdown last week and basically felt like I was a walking time bomb ready to explode. NO sleep does some wicked things to your mind. Saturday I had to call Jay hoem from cricket cause my head was throbbing and my back was killing. I went to bed at 4pm, so I must have needed it.

Thomas is teething poor bugger.. his cheeks are sooo red... He is a funny little guy. Im having so many issues with breastfeeding still... GRR part of me wants to just give up cause Im sure our life would be easier on the bottle but I love that he NEEDS me for that. I may never get another chance.. ARGH breastfeeding is sooooo bloody hard. Why cant boobs have metres on them to tell you how much they get....

Here is a video of his funny laugh, if you can hear him over the big foghorn LOL...


Me said...

Congrats on your GDUNH prize, that is so cool!

Melanie said...

Big hugs re FIL - I hope it all goes as well as you can expect. YAY on the win, grr to teething (Hylands teething relief tablets work wonders) and Hols looks so pretty :)

debbiedo said...

She sure looks proud of herself doesn't she? Tell her she looks GORGEOUS!