Tuesday, November 14, 2006

OMG I have been so slack..... Have felt a tad exhausted and overwhelmed in the last week. Baby is kicking like crazy and I have had awful insomnia. Im back up on my tablets and feeling a LOT better. I havent been losing my cool with Hollie as much and just feeling ok about things in general. Just which the tiredness would leave me alone..

Hollie is so funny lately. She really does have an amazing personality. The things she comes out with blow me away.. Her new favourite words are "im excited" and "thats isgusting (disguting). Her TT is going pretty well atm. Very few accidents, which is probably keeping me a tad calmer as well...

Here is a picture my dad took of my belly last week. Im so slack that I havent even taken one for this week.... Promise to keep up again now...

I nearly forgot to add my LO that I finished early this week. I think i wrecked it withe journalling.. Oh well another one done... Feel like it needs something else in this top corner but cant get anything to look right...


~Cat~ said...

Wow Kays!! Love the belly shot! your looking soo good

And just LOVE the LO! Good to see you've been scrapping!! Don't think it needs anything either :P

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous Kaysie!! What a beautiful belly you have there. And I love that LO too.