Friday, June 16, 2006

Well, Injections have started. GOing ok for now. At least I feel like im doing something when I stab myself every night. Just reading a thread on EB Titled " what has infertility and Assisted conception taught you? " I just feel like im sitting here nodding my head at all of them. I really like this paragraph.

I think one of the main things i have learnt is that something so simple like "im thinking of you" or "im here if you need to talk" can mean the world. I used to think it was a bit overrated. Now it means the difference between feeling supported or feeling let down by someone.

THought it might be thereputic to write my list down...

*That I hate my body more than I could possibly have imagined.
*That fertility is taken for granted
*That I really do have it in me to be terribly bitter.
*Many people don't have a clue
*I never thought I would resent someone for being pg
*I cry for no reason at all.
*You find out who your REAL friends are.
*Drugs are just a part of life.
*"Guess What", "Just Relax", "Don't Think about it", "It will Happen", "Take a holiday" & "You'll be OK", are phrases that I can't stand.
*That infertility is a lonely road and not very many people 'get it'.

Signing off


Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Me said...

I have found the majority of people do not get it. You have be in it to get it, and even then some don't.