Thursday, September 21, 2006

Back from having the stitch in.All went ok I think. I had a general this time instead of the spinal so that was good cause the spinal always takes awhile to get in to my crooked spine. They put maxolon in my drip this time so that was fantastic, the ventolin makes me soooo sick. The ventolin stops any contractions. THe stitch was put in at 3cm this time, rather then the 1cm like Hollie which is a relief. Still bleeding but hopefully that will settle soon. COuple of more days of bed rest then I can start doing a few things again. CANT WAIT.

I had all the same midwives looking after me that I had when Hollie was born, so that was nice to talk to them all again. Just a shame that you cant have the baby there anymore and can only be transferred after its born..

Picked up the camera on Tuesday, now i just owe Mr Harvey Norman lots of money, Lukily he isnt charging me interest for 4 years. LOL. Heres a few shots of Hol I have taken from the lounge and bed.LOL

1 comment:

Me said...

So pleased the stitch went in and the maxalon worked for you. Happy resting :)