Monday, September 11, 2006

Im Bleeding :(..... Stupid hospital told me I had to ring OB ( who is an hour away), rang him he doesnt come in till after lunch, he will call me then. Started really freaking out so rang GP ( who has ultrasound machine in his room) and he is seeing me at 1pm......

Please god let the baby be ok....



amanda said...

Kaysie -

Just praying that everything is ok. Let this bubba be strong and healthy and go to term.

Kay, i will be thinking of you non stop today - crossing everything that this bleed will stop and your little baby will be fine.

My love to you mate.


Narelle said...

Kays - I am praying for you and this bub.
Hoping like mad that it is something else.
Be holding my breath until i hear from you

Dani said...

Kays I hope with all my heart everything is ok!
Thinking of you.